150 Big Moose
Outdoor Movie Theater
Standing at 12’ ft. wide and 10’ ft. high, this massive viewing screen is for the homeowner who wants the biggest and best. And perfect for business owners who want to attract more customers to their place of business with outdoor seating.
The Big Moose outdoor cinema is the elite of all available packages with a giant screen and an easy setup that allows you to begin watching in less than 5 minutes. Now, that's lightning-fast compared to the competition.
Continue learning more about the 150” Big Moose Outdoor Cinema by clicking on the buttons below with expandable content that will give you more information on the cinema package, specifications, and pricing details.
Get the only wireless outdoor cinema on the market today
Get this ground-breaking wireless outdoor movie theater and avoid the hassle of running extension cords from your home to the cinema equipment. The included off-grid battery station powers your cinema equipment, allowing you to watch two films before needing to be recharged. Unfortunately, due to the extra power consumption, the wireless feature does not allow you to connect the speakers with stands or the Digital FM Transmitter, as shown below.
Wireless cinema package includes